Otherwise, if you are currently targetting an ally, it casts Flash of Light on your current target. A foreign player, Bubi, has first reported the following faceroll macro which fully automates the paladin tank rotation[3]: This macro automatically casts the static sequence of spells and try to cast [Shield of the Righteous] and [Word of Glory] whenever possible. Below we have a standard build that takes some damage talents from the Retribution tree. In an effort to keep Wowpedia posts relevant, please re-validate and re-post macros that work in the current version. This will cast Righteous Defense on a friendly mouseover or target, if not it will cast Hand of Reckoning on an unfriendly target. This will do the same except if you hold down shift you will use Hand of Reckoning. Like all facerolling macros, this macro setup helps you decide which spell to use, so you can focus on tanking itself. As it is designed for spamming, Bubi recommends the application of "console Sound_EnableSFX" and "script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()" commands to eliminate error sounds and messages. I know this should be under macros but I am placing this here so all Paladins can see it as I am sure very few people actually look at the Macro section. You must have one of these addons for this macro to use the timers. One click macro to change aura and mount, replace Retribution Aura with an aura of your choice. No problem if the tank is targeting a dead/out of range/friendly, this macro will still get you attacking the nearest enemy. Since Righteous Defense does not affect Global Cooldown, has the same cooldown as Holy Shield (8 seconds), and costs no mana, pairing it with Holy Shield makes an easy one-button press to make your tanking life even easier. For shockadins with a decent amount of +spelldamage gear, this is usually between 3-5k holy damage. just leave the "" in the macro :) Previous caveats other than flight dismount and length of macro apply, Macro takes dual spec into account (I was annoyed at having to reset my aura when in secondary spec). The Branch Castsequence 2 is for the rare occasions when both Main Castsequence and Branch Castsequence 1 are cooling down, and it also demands being used three times before going back to the main one[4]. Something to cover different role skills for instance so you don't have to reset … This will allow a tank to remove all debuffs, DoTs, fears, and other harmful spells … /macroicon "Cover" /macrolock /action "Intervention" Click with alt to summon Golden Gryphon and turn Crusader aura up. This macro will summon Normal Mount if flying is not allowd. A World of Warcraft community for exchanging macros. There is another threat about Paladin Tanks on the forum but it's not that good for understanding the basics from new players that choose to play as a Paladin Tank. Jambo-shadowmoon (Jambo) ... but you need a /cancelaura macro handy unless you hate the DPS in your group. As you can see there’s not much room for changes, but Pursuit of Justice can be taken instead of Improved Judgement and Blessing of Kings. Protection Paladin Tanking Macros Divine Shield Macro. If your target is an enemy it will cast Judgement of Light on it instead. While mounted click with alt to unmount and turn spec:1 or spec:2 aura up. The macros below this line have not been validated to work in 3.1. Instructions: Replace "Devotion Aura" with your most frequently used aura. We still have our core taking talents, but we add the damage for better threat generation. If copying ours below, you can simply copy/paste the text in. Very useful for Retribution and Protection Paladins while soloing. PLD's gotta be the simplest and easiest tank to fit everything with extended crosshotbars. Below we have a standard Protection build. Update to suit your specs, If Aura Mastery is on COOLDOWN ... prints a message to your screen saying "AM in XYZs" (where XYZ is between 1 and 120 for the number of seconds until it is available). In Mists of Pandaria, paladin tanking spells that are in the rotation comprises two distinguished types: several GCD spells such as [Judgment] and two non-GCD spells include [Word of Glory] and [Shield of the Righteous]. This way you will have just one bind. --Credit: Spankytanky - Lightnings Blade - Horde 05:16, 20 May 2009 (UTC). 13 - 24 : Action Bar 2. The exclamation point is the notoggle indicator. As a Protection Paladin, you can expect to perform the role of a solid and reliable tank. If you are currently mounted, it will activate Concentration aura and dismount you. This design is based on the 939 rotation proposed by Theck. Holding Threat: As already stated, a tank who can’t hold aggro is not a good tank. As on patch 4.0.1, Sacred Shield was removed. You can modify the macro by changing one "Crusader Strike" into "Hammer of the Righteous" if you are the one to maintain the Weakened Blows debuff, so you will cast [Hammer of the Righteous] in every 9 GCDs. First step: select the non friendly target (boss, miniboss, trash etc, whatever) and use first macro to focus it: Second step: spam this macro to heal whatever the boss, miniboss etc is targeting (mainly should be the tank but if tank loose aggro (aggro lose, fear or other strategy) you auto heal whoever boss is targeting. In this way the group needs to frequently marking skulls. In "g,f={3,5,7},{12,13,14}", the first set of numbers is the slot number for your ground mounts. None of the macro's on this page had something for me, so I made up my own. Use: This one-click macro will turn on Crusader aura and put you on a random land mount if you cannot fly in the current zone or random flying mount in a flyable zone. Otherwise, if your current target is hostile and targeting a ally, it casts Flash of Light on that ally. For multitanking purposes, one 1 talent point from Crusade can be re-allocated to Seal of Command. This is designed for single target use, because the macro casts [Crusader Strike] for Holy Power: Since occasionally casting [Hammer of the Righteous] instead of [Crusader Strike] reduces insignificant threat, it does not worth the two slots for Crusader Strike build branch castsequences as fillers. Press to open the pet panel, choose the mount tab, then find the slot number that corresponds with the mount(s) you want to include. Allows the player to heal whatever focus targets (Ex: put focus on a boss and heal boss target). Macro conditionals Divi… Either make 2 macros like this, and remove the FoL from your group macro, or edit the macro before and after each group. When a longer (>2 sec) cooldown appears, switch to Branch Castsequence 1 and use it three times before going back to the Main Castsequence macro. This is strictly speaking a tanking macro, but I feel every paladin should have it just in case it's needed. To tank with these macros, simply spam the Main Castsequence macro while paying attention to its cooldown. People who are actually advanced don't use macros for their skills. I have some nice macros to share and hope you share yours Lets make this the Paladin Macro thread! Hope this helps :D. All gear slots have numbers. If your mount is not the first one, replace 1 with the index of your charger. Instructions: The mounts can be replaced or expanded using the names of the mounts in your pet tab. If your target is your friend, it will cast HoP on your target. Blizzard's auto selfcast and selfcast-key works. You can make a macro to cast Righteous Defense if your target is an ally or Hand of Reckoning if your target is an enemy. You can also add in. However, if you press alt with this macro, it will cast HoP on you. … #showtooltip Crusader Strike /startattack /cast Crusader Strike. Because of the "Flash of Light" and "Cleanse", this is a great macro for PVP, its truly a spamable IWIN button, and because it will automatically cast 4 different attack spells, it maximizes your dps by selecting which ever spell is castable at that time. In other words, you need at least three buttons for the rotation: the automation of GCD rotation macro, [Word of Glory], and [Shield of the Righteous]. Making a macro In this page, you can learn what the best Paladin Macros are and what they can be used for. Judgement of the Crusader must be on your target and Seal of Righteousness must be active for this to do the most possible damage. An incredibly useful macro that simply combines the Righteous Defense macro above and casts Holy Shield. I have a mouse with 7 buttons, so I use this macro for flash of light, holy light, holy shock, hand of freedom, and sacred shield. It will then pop off Divine Favor and Divine Illumination, catching and clearing any UI errors. if you /focus your tank, this enables you to make sure that your judgement always hits the target. When the mouse is over a living friendly target -> Righteous Defense on the mouse indicated target, When your selected target is a living friendly -> Righteous Defense on your selected target, When your target is unfriendly -> Righteous Defense on the target's target if it is living and friendly. Select your new macro and use the text editor below to tell it what to do. In general, your damage intake will be relatively smooth, with many attacks being blocked by your shield or softened by your strong active mitigation. Note: The mounts Summon Charger and Golden Gryphon can be chanced to other mounts. Live Beta Classic. In Cataclysm, AoE with a target marked skull is a common tactic in mob fights. It's long, so you'll have to remove the first line on Judgement spells. Allows you to perfectly time your CD's right and allow you to lay down major damage while instantly healing yourself at the end of the rotation. Casts "Hammer of the Righteous" if [shift] is held down, otherwise, it casts "Crusader Strike". Basic attack macro. You can use this macro for every spell you have and it free's up a lot of time and attention so you can focus on interrupting and CC's in arena. On the pull, use Divine Plea, and Sacred Shield, pull with Avenger's Shield, then spam the macro, refreshing Sacred Shield every min. Tested: 3.3.5 User:guitarsslave 08.September.2011. It allows you to bind both blessings to the same key. Once focus is set repentance can will be cast. FAQs If Aura Mastery is AVAILABLE ... Activate AM for you AND (in 1 push for both) /yell to vicinity that "ABC Aura Mastery 6s" where ABC is: Change YELL in the macro to SAY if you want to not shout it, or change the function from SendChatMessage to print (and remove the 2nd argument) to only say it to yourself. All it does is puts 2 spells and 2 trinkets in 1 button, so that you take 30% damage from all members, but only half is actually taken. This allows me to put on Crusaders Aura, and Mount onto any of the Mounts I specify, randomly. If you have nobody on focus, it'll drop the judgement on your own target instead. /cast [button:2,@player][help][@targettarget,help][@focus,help][@focustarget,help][@player] Flash of Light, Macros for use with the Holy Paladin Build. Must have the Glyph of Righteous Retreat. Just hold down either Control, Shift, or Alt and keybind or click this macro to cast Hammer of the Righteous instead of Crusader Strike Like all facerolling macros, this macro setup helps you decide which spell to use, so you can focus on tanking itself. If none of the above criteria are met and you current focus is a enemy targeting an ally, it casts Flash of Light on that ally. appears, use a branch castsequence macro three times before going back to the main castsequence.[1]. If it's Exorcism or Consecrate, it won't even start attacking even if they are off CD. 25 - … This is useful if you are in combat and do not want to lose what your current target is. [Mining] is the most popular Gathering Profession choice for Paladins because of its synergy with [Blacksmithing] and [Engineering]. Great for when you don't have time to target your opponent, want to use judgement and on the nuke target (so you don't accidentally break crowd control). Note: The last line can be changed to say whatever is desired. will work with 0 downtime, providing your. Holding alt will apply buff to self. The mount must be a regular mount, it won't work with the paladin mount spells. Targets the nearest enemy in your fov if: you have no target; your target is friendly; your target is dead. Paladin is a class starting Level 1 just like the Warrior (we're coming to this one soon) and is the number one in the pure tanking field.Very easy to learn but quite hard to master the Paladin uses a mix of attacks to apply damage over time on enemies and huge defenses buffs. Classic Holy Paladin Healing Macro Guide - WoW Classic 1.13 By Dunraven . It causes the taunt to work like a warrior's taunt. The same mechanism can be applied on any ranged harmful spell such as [Repentance], and having [Fist of Justice] automatically works with this macro. If you don't have a poison on you, and the random happens to roll onto "cleanse" it will fail, but since rolling the mouse-wheel casts this many times a second, its no big deal. I found Spankytanky's Ez-mode randomizer macro to work pretty well, but tweaked it to max my raid DPS while still keeping it simple (helps loads in avoiding junk on Hodir with out messing up dps badly)This is the Light version, if another paladin insists on doing judgment of light, make a second macro that replaces light with Wisdom. First, we have a core build that consists of all talents that are necessary for tanking. It will also remove the error emote your character makes if Divine Favor is on a cooldown. If unmounted in a flyable area, will cast crusader aura on first click, summon flying mount on second click Note - as of 4.0.1, you need to use "Summon Charger" instead of just "Charger" in your macros. In this case the player only need set their focus to the unit to protect, and the macro will allow for fast one-click taunting. Note that you have to keep Shift held for the Charger-While-Flyable sequence and that you should change spell names as suits you. Usually in Patch 5.0.4, we do not need to use [Crusader Strike] for single target tanking to hold a sufficient amount of threat, and thus the above macro does not cast [Crusader Strike]. If you don't have dual spec it is easy to change, remove everything after the first aura name and remove [spec:1], for both lines. No other tank class has quite the array of tricks up their sleeve that a Paladin does. Continue reading Protection Paladin Macros 9.0.2 (Shadowlands) If your next ability is on CD and you need to switch targets, just pushing the ability won't do anything until it activates. [Herbalism] is also a popular choice for Paladins because of its synergy with [Alchemy]. A World of Warcraft community for exchanging macros. This macro will, if unmounted cast Crusader Aura and mount (a Blue Hawkstrider in this case). Beginner's guide This very cool macro change your spec and gear set. Note: in groups you'll burn thru your mana faster than you might want, because you'll be giving yourself alot of instant heals. Requires an addon that enables large macros (i.e. Or use your Summon Charger where you cant use your flying mount. Otherwise it will display "Invalid Target" on your screen. The setup is effective under 4.0.6 and all earlier versions of Cataclysm. When Hammer of Wrath procs, it auto-casts, whichever attack is on cooldown will get cast. This BoPs your current targets target (i.e. If mounted, it will also dismount you and cast Concentration Aura. Using [noharm] will allow the macro to work off of friendly players and NPCs. Because paladins are less caste sequence and more "first come first serve" using a /castrandom macro works quite well and is less likly to break then a castesequence macro, just hammer this key (or mousewheel it like spanky) and let it cycle through your abilities as it sees fit. If mounted will cast Retribution Aura and dismount. An example of action bar using these macros is shown on the picture, where button ` is Branch Castsequence 2, 1 is [Hammer of Wrath], 2 is Main Castsequence (939 Rotation, AoE), 3 is Branch Castsequence 1, 4 is Main Castsequence (ISH9, single target variation). And since players can cast [Word of Glory] separately on the third pressing of the filler, these branch castsequences can also fit WoG builds. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Just add and remove mount names in which you would like. Beast Mastery. When tanking a single target, you can spam this alternative main castsequence to maximize the threat. You should have another paladin in your raid specced for Improved Seal of the Crusader and Vindication. The second set of numbers is for your flying mounts. :). Alternatively: "Show the proper tooltip. As of patch 3.0.8 all paladins were given the spell Hand of Reckoning, which is a single target taunt that deals a small amount of holy damage. Note: Exceeds 255 characters. The same mechanism can be applies on any helpful spell, such as [Lay on Hands] or [Holy Light]. When re-creating a macro in Useful macros please, Add macros here that can be used regardless of spec. I often use this when off tanking to take some damage in place of main tank. Use: Casts Avenging Wrath and Inquisition increasing Holy Damage by 50%, Zealotry and Crusader Strike to recover all Holy Power lost in Inquistion. [Avenger's Shield] is not in the above castsequence, and you can use it when you need silencing or additional threat for the targets. We write this macro as the following: Important: do not use the  [Glyph of Consecration], as the macro will stuck at "Consecration". There are also many other reported faceroll macros for MoP paladin tanking, but for the concision of this article, we forgo any further introduction to MoP paladin tanking faceroll macros as for now. The setup is effective under 4.0.6 and all earlier versions of Cataclysm. Flash of Light can be replaced with any other heal (such as [Holy Light], [Lay on Hands] or [Word of Glory]). If [I can't fly here] OR [I'm pressing Shift], cast Charger then Crusader Aura then Retribution Aura, and reset the sequence if I Ctrl click. This will allow a tank to remove all debuffs, DoTs, fears, and other harmful spells … If I can find a way as WAR to play on a controller without the use of macros on my skills, so can you. The last command clears that annoying red text that says "You can't do this yet" every time you press a button that's on CD. Making a macro Wiki Formatting Category:Macros UI Customization, /castsequence reset=30 Every Man for Himself(Racial), Impending Victory, Sunder Armor, Disarm, Raging Blow, Thunder Clap, Taunt, Whirlwind The spell works on whoever you may be mousing over, or if you are not mousing over anyone in particular will function as a regular heal/alt-to-focus-heal. This allows you to control all of your healing spells without targeting your party members or using your mouse. Category:Macros. Hitting the macro once casts the spell on yourself. This should work with 3.2 because it will only let exorcism go out if AoW has proc'ed but regardless of when your using it make sure there are no typos, im prone to those and they MURDER macros. They call us lazy, we call it smart. Blog entry `My Lv70 Paladin Macros [V4.X]` by Battle Unit. You can also in theory shove in use commands to activate any trinkets you have but I find keeping things simple is often best. I bind this to my mouse-wheel, doesn't matter if you wanna scroll the wheel up or down, but essentially it will cast whichever spell is needed/not on cooldown/active/whatever. Great for when you don't have time to target your opponent, want to use judgement and on the nuke target (so you don't accidentally break crowd control). If you right click, it will always self-cast Flash of Light. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. Palingard (talk) 14:34, July 18, 2010 (UTC). Res Macro. Triggering this macro will guarantee you start attacking regardless of any cooldowns on your Crusader Strike button. Extremely high single-target threat generation in raid settings. This also includes diminishing returns on miss rating (DR on other values is retrieved directly). Vengeance. 13 and 14 are the trinket slot numbers and can be used for any macro. This macro is great for ensuring that when you use judgement to reduce the cool-down of your HoJ as a holy paladin, it'll always judgement your friendly target's target. This macros was based on Theck Rotation. Learning how to effectively hold threat will make you a good tank. However, if you press alt with this macro, it will cast HoJ on your focus. The idea is that those 2 castsequence commands will alternate to produce smooth mounting and aura changing. This paladin macro casts repentance on your target and sets it as your focus target. This Macro will allow a tank to cast Divine Shield and remove it in two clicks. /run local b,d,p,r,a=GetBlockChance(),GetDodgeChance(),GetParryChance(),GetCombatRating(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL) a=1/(.0625+.956/(r/122.9625)) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(format("Unhittable: %.2f%% Avoidance: %.2f%% Defense %+.0f rating",b+d+p+5+a,d+p+5+a,r-689)), Mount macro with auro [modifier:alt] for flying mount, Mouseover Cast (replace "Might" with any instant spell), Single/Greater Blessing (replace "Sanctuary" with your blessing), Auto Attacking Regardless of Cooldowns with Crusader Strike, Normal mount else Flying mount with Crusader's Aura Macro, Mount with Crusader Aura - works with WotLK, Mount with Crusader Aura (works with paladin racial mount spells), Summon Flying Mount & Summon Charger with Crusader Aura, Improved Cleanse, Holy Light, Flash of Light, Beacon of Light timer with DBM & BigWigs timer.
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